It is a brand for alternative points of view to have positive discord. How do you facilitate a dialogue alternate point of view can find some form of understanding or compromise?
I wrote a list of causes i thought I would be able to research. It was important to me that these where all relevant in my life or to others around me, so I could get a better grasp on the final outcome and whether or not I would ask the right questions to find a solution. 
One which stood out to me greatly was cheap clothing, what are the pros and cons of this industry? Basing the project on the sound of a plastic zipper, I was then able to compare that sound to the cheap materials used to make these fast fashion items. This industry is one of the main contributors to global warming, and globally an estimated 92 million tonnes of textiles waste is created each year and the equivalent to a rubbish truck full of clothes ends up on landfill sites every second. By 2030, we are expected as a whole to be discarding more than 134 million tonnes of textiles a year.

I spent around a day toying with the idea of basing my project on cheap clothing, however something interesting happened to me during a university call today (It was my second day in this course!!). I have a very different last name to most, (Gayleard), and have been teased about it for as long as I can remember. It has something I have come to live with and understand why some people can find my surname amusing being so different. However in the almost 22 years of me with this name have I ever offended someone because of it...
Someone on a uni call asked why I had chosen my name to be 'that' (we had to write our names into an online teaching platform) and asked if I was gay. I simply replied, 'No, this is simply my name'. Confused why they would ask me such a question before I could say anything else they accused me of being homophobic for 'choosing' a last name like that, THEY where offended. 
I left the call as I don't have time to explain to people with such polarised views. But it did give me the idea on what to write about.

Social Media:
                       Since everyone has been stuck in their house due to covid, people have become more glued to their phones than every. And with everyone having different opinions on just about everything, social media platforms such as twitter has become more like an echo-chamber than a space to share your own thoughts. People have become aggressive with their opinions on politics, sport, celebrities, and are no longer worried about the anonymity of their page. People are now segregating themselves from anyone who doesn't share the same views as their own.

Why Do People Get Offended?
                                                   Everyone has a right to an opinion, but do they have they have the right to verbally disagree with those who think different? To the 'Ultra Politically Correct Far Left Militants'  that are hell bent on fighting for people who they've never met, and who never asked them to campaign for them in the fist place.
This is about maintaining our freedoms and rights as a human race.
Snowflake Millennials/ Cancel Culture: The 'Snowflake generation are using social media to politically ridicule and beat down anyone with a different view to theirs

60s\70s\80s comedy:
Fawlty Towers
Monty Python                            - "Sexist/ Homophobic/ Racist. They often make fun of people who actually are these things, not to promote 
Yes Minister                                 them. It's purely comedy".
Blackadder ​​​​​​​

I have decided to create an apparel brand by the name of "Offended". I want the theme of the clothing to be as minimal as inclusive as possible, as to cater to anyones taste in style. This is so that this brand will bring more people together in unicent over the dissipating reality of the cancel culture we live in.

The style I want to portray is most like the Fear of God brand 'Essentials'. Their clothing is minimal, block colours and designs, and is also one o the main brands attacking fashion norms created by Jerry Lorenzo. 

These are some mockups of hoodies I have created.





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