Chuck Bogh's profile

Bob's Garage Illustration & Logo

In late 2020, I was commissioned to do a couple pieces as a gift for two dear family friends.  In Iowa City, Iowa sits an old, historic house with a quaint detached garage where friends and family gather year-round to chat, laugh, and enjoy a cigar or two. Bob’s Garage has become a popular place to gather and the lore of Bob’s Garage continues to grow.
The commissioner wanted a simple illustration of the garage’s façade that features the two subjects, nothing more. The pale yellow of the garage balances nicely with the subtle autumnal colors set in the background. The deep oranges, reds and yellows frame the garage pleasantly and highlight the unique coloring of the garage. Centered we see our two subjects flanked by their two iconic flags, an American flag with 24 stars and the Canadian flag, both of which are forever on display come winter, spring, summer, or fall.

To accompany the illustration, the commissioner requested a “logo” of sorts to be featured on a metal tin to be hung in the garage and on t-shirts for all of Bob’s Garage’s patrons. Bob’s family lineage is entrenched deeply with the Welsh and nothing is more iconic in welsh heritage than the red dragon found on Wales flag. The red dragon is centered on the logo on a shield that harkens to the general shape and layout of a cigar ring label which is a playful nod to the goings-on at Bob’s Garage. The tagline “No Cars, Just Cigars” is a very appropriate saying to accompany the logo as you’ll never find a (working) car inside Bob’s garage. Only propane heaters, lawn chairs, and a collection of quality stogies. Smoke up!​​​​​​​
Bob's Garage Illustration & Logo

Bob's Garage Illustration & Logo
