Samhain was another of the four main festivals of the Gaelic calendar, marking the last harvest and the beginning of winter. Traditionally, Samhain was a time to take stock of
the herds and food supplies, being the time of the gathering together of resources to
survive the coming winter. 

Wiccans also celebrate a variation of Samhain as one of the yearly Sabbats, and is thought by most to be the most important. Seen by some as a time to celebrate the lives of those who have died, and is seen as a festival of darkness, which is balanced at the opposite point of the wheel by the spring festival of Bealltainn.
All three of these base paintings were created with oil and acrylic paints - the paint being so thick, that I couldn't add white strokes as I wanted, so I painted these separately and added them digitally... which is a shame really, and I may try re-applying them at some point on the base paintings...
Samhain l
Samhain lI
Samhain lII


Samhain was another of the four main festivals of the Gaelic calendar, marking the last harvest and the beginning of winter. Traditionally, Samha Read More
