Graphic Tees
"Someone may ask you to design a graphic t-shirt at some point," they said. Well looks like I'm creating graphic tees. Wish me luck!
My goal? Create three different designs. One with 1 color, one with 2 colors, and one with 3 colors. Can I accomplish my goal? Let's find out!
As always, let's start out with some notes and any sketches I may need. 
And for the purpose of this post, I'll also include the feedback I received here as well.
Now let's separate these into each individual shirt. Three is my favorite number, so let's start out with my 3 color design.
Melt Me (3 Color Design)
Left to Right: First Draft, Second Draft, Final
I decided to go with a melting theme of sorts. I thought it would be fun to make it more personal in a first person kind of way, so I used the words, "Melt Me". Threw it all in a nice big, pink heart with icicles from the top and a flame at the bottom. "Melt Me" was filled in and blended with a gradient. 
Turns out my pink was too much, so I ended up using the black shirt as my background color and using white as my heart outline. I feel it works much better for the overall design. Lastly, I learned that gradients are not an easily possible thing with t-shirt designs. In fact, most companies will tell you to avoid them. So threw out my gradient, made the letters icy and the melting drops more of the flame color. 
YOLO (2 Color Design)
Left to Right: First Draft, Second Draft, Final
I got the idea for this shirt from the idea that there are so many who say YOLO, meaning You Only Live Once; and those, like myself, who grew up saying carpe diem, meaning seize the day. Two very different sayings that mean the very same thing. With some feedback I was able to adjust my design to the final product. 
Fly (1 Color Design)
I believe this is when I remembered that I can be a little of an over achiever. Remember when I said I'm required to have only three designs? (sound familiar for those who have read my logo post?) I created one, single version of this design and decided I also needed a masculine design to go along with the original design. 
Original Design, Left to Right: First Draft, Final
I love the overall concept of this design. I know that for me, personally, there are too many times that the one thing holding me back from whatever is myself. I loved creating a reminder that I can go as high as I can to reach my dreams, just remember to "Let Yourself Fly". 
Masculine Version, Left to Right: First Draft, Final
Like I said previously, I wanted to make a more masculine version of the Fly shirt. I changed the wording. There have been times that I've been taught to say to myself that "I am amazing" or "I am capable" or whatever positive, uplifting I need to hear. So I felt this was perfect for a masculine version as a subtle reminder that you are amazing! 
With some feedback, I went for a pocket graphic over a full shirt concept. Still goes for the subtle concept, including the feather that I hope also reminds you of your ability to fly to great heights. 
Graphic Tees

Graphic Tees
