@Redacted_Art, Part 4: Exams
These three pictures (as well as a lengthy report/process-book) are what I submitted for my photography exam. The images portray commonly felt emotions that people may have experienced during the pandemic as well as the quarantines, with a focus on storytelling throughout the photo-series. 
The visual style is inspired by Vaporwave / "Purple Aesthetic", and the lecturer graded the project as an A. 

All pictures are heavily edited in Lightroom and Photoshop, with additional graphical elements from Illustrator. 
"Escape", 12.11.20
"Stir Crazy", 16.11.20
"Things Feel Off", 10.11.20
The characters revolve, 
but the mask is constant.


Pictures posted on my Instagram user "@redacted_art", all focused around storytelling through typography, colors, and "over-the-top" editing. Pic Read More
