Canvas leg cast art : Zen garden on my cast
About this artistic leg cast

Four months ago, after came back to the hospital about my injured leg. Sitting at the dining room, drawing on my mini sketch journal and with my A4 size drawing at the moment I've stopped with those. Looking down at my injured leg cast 
 why not I can draw somewhere like my cast canvas and so I did. 

These three snapshots of my leg cast. 

How did you come out with this concept, what is your difficult part and why do you want to draw somewhere different?  

I’ve research some very cool leg cast artwork. Thinking of a very sweet concept art styles on my leg cast. Going for one of my sweet soothing concept which is “Zen Garden” with tropical flowers and KOI fishes swimming around the pond. 

My difficult part of coloring the flowers with different colors, wasting ink and lifting my right leg weight while coloring. Why not? I can ink colored on my leg cast.

Art on my leg cast

Art on my leg cast
