For this first blog, I have decided to do a step by step on how I made a Hawaiian Shirt. This is also one of the projects from Digital class. As showed at the following I will take you step by step how I developed the ideas and the process for this project.  Basically, the idea of ​​the pattern for this shirt was to draw cats. I really like these pets and drawing them seemed entertaining.

I basically used two primary colors blue, yellow and a tertiary color, pink; which with the white background, of the shirt gives a good contrast.

- Adobe Illustrator CS6
- Desktop

For my creative process I show how I afforded to get all the details well done for my own Hawaiian shirt. It was challenging but also a very fun process that helped me to develop many skills.

Step 1: Open the Adobe Illustrator. Go to File > New > Choose " Tabloid" size. And now, you've already had a new document when you would work on it.

P1: New Document box for creating the new page. 

Step 2: Place the Hawaiian shirt template in the middle ( File > Place > Choose the folder that has your file. Double click on the image layer and choose the "Template". 

Pic 2: Double-click and Layout Options box will pop up to set the image to template.

Step 3: Choose the Pen Tool (P) and create the outline shape for your shirt.
Pic 3: Finished the outline and fill the color. 

Step 4: After done with the outline, try to fill the color of your shirt. For my shirt, I choose the white. Leave the shirt aside for a bit. Now we will create the pattern for your shirt. Open a new document and start to design. 

Pic 4: Create the pattern for your shirt.

Step 5: When you've done with your design, choose all the detail > Object > Pattern > Make. And now you got your pattern for your shirt. 
Pic 5: Step the make the pattern.

Step 6: Back to your shirt, make the clipping mask for the outline by Object > Clipping maks > Make. Choose the pattern you just created for applying on the mask. And put it on the shirt. So you now have the pattern for your shirt. Finish the rest of the shirt following that step. 

                                                  Pic 6: Place the mask on the shirt. 

Step 7: Create the buttons for the shirt by using circles and gradient tool. 

Pic 7: The final look of the button.

Step 8: Finally we create the tag.

Pic 8: The final look of the tag. 



By doing this project I was able to practice the use of pen tools, clipping mask, blending mode, opacity and configuration tool. At the same time, I was amused to be able to design my own pattern.
Hawaiian Shirt

Hawaiian Shirt


Creative Fields