Katherine Enberg's profile

Minuteman Press Branded Projects

Minuteman Press is a franchise print, marketing and creative services company. This particular shop is a brand new start up business. I was selected as their Lead Graphic Designer, Shop Manager, Print Specialist, and Finisher. I assisted with marketing, sales, print design, and social media along with many other duties. 
Advertising & Marketing
I assisted in several of advertisements for Minuteman Press that range from billboard, social media, flyers and brochures. 

This billboard is featured in St. Louis on I-170 South at the St. Charles Rock Rd. Exit. We wanted to keep it a simple and clean design that was easy to read at a distance. 
Logo & Brand Package Brochure
Minuteman Press typically charges hourly and sometimes by the minute for creative services. This makes it particularly difficult when charging for logo and brand creation since we didn't have any base pricing in place. Instead of constantly making up an estimation per customer, I decided to take a more professional approach. In order for us to properly charge for creative services and for us to communicate with the client, we needed a brochure that clearly spells everything out. I came up with the tiered package based on the most regularly asked questions we received. From there, a customer can see exactly where the pricing starts and what is included in each package. If a customer would like some additional design services outside of the package they selected the have some Add Ons they can select from. With this brochure we can clearly outline what is included and opens the doors for easy communication with our customers.  

XPress Ads Flyer
Several of our local businesses have been struggling during the pandemic. Here at Minuteman Press we have put together a mailing campaign that will help advertise for local businesses. It's a 12x18 mailer with up to 24 ad spaces for local businesses to purchase. We include design, print and mail for a specific zip codes. This flyer was designed and rewritten by me to help gain customers attention to this fantastic offering. 

Social Media
I have taken the initiative to manage and create posts for Minuteman Press's social media. These posts are planned, designed, and posted by me. I manage their LinkedIn and Pinterest page. I created videos, GIFs and small animations using Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Adobe Spark. 

In-House Forms & Documents
As a brand-new start-up business, there isn't a lot of policies and rules in place. As a Lead Designer and Manager, I have to figure out the issue and come up with a solution in order to keep the shop running smoothly. I have created three different forms that help solve different issues. One is a credit card form when taking orders over the phone to ensure we are consistently asking the same questions, the other is a creative brief for when customers are wanting a more in-depth creative project and are unsure where to begin and the third is a walk-in copy form. This particular form is for customers that have several items that need copying in various sizes, colors, and quantities. This helps us keep track of the order so we can input into our system correctly. 
Minuteman Press Branded Projects

Minuteman Press Branded Projects
