About the Project 
This work depicts a fictional nebula rendered in 4K resolution. I created this work to give audience a vicarious experience of navigating through the enigmatic interstellar cloud. 
This work was made on the first week of the spring semester of my Sophomore year at Computer Art Department at School of Visual Arts as an assignment. The prompt was to create a nebula in After Effects using Trapcode Particular, a 3D plug-in from Red Giant. Even though I created this work three years ago, I decided to curate it on Behance to give the representation it deserves. 
To begin with, I combined the two main nebula clouds generated with the Trapcode Particular, and the scattered star debris formed with CC Star Burst effect into a single composition. Then, I added the atmospheric fog created with fractal noise to give a scene a sense of depth. Lastly, I composited gradient map with the soft light mode on top of the layered compositions to brighten up and saturate the final output. 
The background music is "Messages from Hermes", one of original soundtracks from "The Martian". I choose this instrumental to convey extraterrestrial aura. 
Nebula 4K