Elo: The Pocket-sized Safe Space
The intention of the app is to provide support for mental health across the world through the creation of a pocket-sized safe space that can be easily accessed by anyone needing a listening ear. The goal is to reduce friction and overcome stigma, increase access and provide early intervention; this is done through an AI chatbot, mental health resources and message based support from an experienced & professional team of psychologists.

The persona behind Elo and its built-in chatbot was created with the specific intention of creating a readily-available friend that users could confide in whenever they were in need of assistance, yet did not feel comfortable with human interaction. During user feedback it was understood that users felt more empathetic and open to sharing with an animal persona over that of a robot or human-presenting figure, a point that was taken to heart as the development of the app progressed. Ultimately, an elephant persona was created as they are representative of good memory and good listeners (due to their large ears).
Elo App Design

Elo App Design


Creative Fields