Sophie Hudson's profile

Self Portrait Multiples

Self Portrait Multiples
When approaching this project, I knew that I wanted to be doing an activity. After spending the weekend painting outside, I thought it would be fun to capture some of the different phases of painting. I initially wanted to do this outside where I had painted, however it was so windy and stormy, that the camera kept moving. Although I didn't do this for this project, I would love to go back and try this again on another day. Sooo, I decided to play on the idea of a collaborative art classroom which shows a mixture of people working independently and people getting feedback from each other/bouncing ideas off each other. 

One of the biggest challenges when editing these photos together was the difference in lighting on the floor as the sun was setting outside. when trying to standardize the color of the floor, I lost the shadows and had to go back in to add them in a way that looked as natural as possible. Another challenge was making sure all of the lines from the stools, easels and tables lined up.  

These photos below show some of the images used to create the one above as well as some of the ones from the pond where I initially started shooting. 
Self Portrait Multiples

Self Portrait Multiples
