Maya Powell's profile

Expressive Type Design

ADVE2291 Design Lab 1: Project 5 Expressive Type Design 

For this project, the goal was to express the meaning of a word by creating letterforms and patterns, or other support graphics. The word chosen must be at least characters in length, while providing an interesting visual expression, and have at least one mockup including our graphic.
For this project, the word I chose was "Moose", yes, the animal Moose! I drew my inspiration from the following mood boards. Each Mood board is categorized into brands, typeface ideas, animals, with chosen color palette, and lastly, textures and pattern inspiration. 
Here is my mind map, a tool used to start the thinking process of word choosing, themes and gathering ideas to go off from.
This project definitely had me stumped on what to come up with, so I created a lot of sketches, starting with drawing fonts, adding a graphic and a font together, patterns and textures, and then drawing different Moose figures.
Here are two in progress pictures, one with in progress illustrator work, and the other, a photo I used for my final mock up.

I really loved this assignment, even though it was super challenging, but I loved the word I chose and I believe I expressed it to the best of my abilities.
For the moment we've all been waiting for...the final mock up in Adobe Photoshop!
Expressive Type Design

Expressive Type Design
