 Watercolor + ink, 2020.
This is a series of 12 illustrations dedicated to the constellations of the zodiac. I present my ideas of character designs for humanisations of star signs and their personalities.
Fire 🔥
Bright, energetic, fiery signs. Such people cannot be forgotten. The raging flame in their hearts warms everyone around them and ignites sparks in others. The hottest signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Resilient, dedicated and hardworking earth signs. The chosen ones of these constellations, step by step, can not only move mountains, but also reshape entire continents, without even breaking a sweat.
The star trio of signs firmly standing on the ground are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Air 🌬
Friendly, easygoing and restless air signs. The air endows its champions with a quick and sharp mind, adaptability, as well as the temper that turns in a blink of an eye from a light breeze into a menacing hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path. Mysterious intellectuals who love to fly in the sky - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Water 🌊
Patience, flexibility and crativity are prominent traits of the water signs.
Those born under the constellations of the Water are very emotional and sensual people. The proud owners of a rich inner world can appear to be a still pond, and reveal themselves later as a stormy ocean. The everchanging and intuitive favorites of Water constellations are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Zodiac collection