Supun Sudarsha's profile

Book Publishing imprint Company Logo

Publishing Imprint Company Logo
The Request 
I need a logo for my business. It's a publishing imprint, and is called Ploppletop Publishing. It will mostly publish books for children, though we will occasionally publish non-fiction in the form of history or business. I quite like the idea of a Dr. Seuss-type plant in the logo--something a bit wonky, with fat leaves or something like that. But I don't want it to be too intricate, so that it can be quite easily recognizeable.
I really like your "Uppercut Barber Shop" logo for that reason. It really stands out from a distance, even when it's small, and it's very recognizeable.
I don't mind what colors you use, as long as it would also look good in black and white (or grayscale).
I don't really have anything else to add to the description than that. If you need any more information, let me know. I'm sure you'll do a great job! Thank you!
Book Publishing imprint Company Logo

Book Publishing imprint Company Logo
