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Helen Home

Helen Home is a unit specializing in leasing, building management, management consulting and real estate construction with the leading reputation. Helen Home's customers are homeowners who have rooms for rent, or those who want to own rental properties but do not know how. 
Not only doing business, Helen Home also participates in many volunteer activities to contribute to the community and society such as: building houses for the poor in remote areas, giving gifts to the needy, giving scholarships to students poor student studious. 
With a business mindset that takes the law of "cause and effect" as a guideline, Helen Home voluntarily donates 2% of her profits to the "Helen Vien Thanh" charity fund to serve the community and society.
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Designed by Hai Dang | Contact me: 
hd.design1511@gmail.com  |  facebook.com/haidang.1511
Helen Home

Helen Home
