Rummage – an app for beginner foragers
Over the summer I worked outside in the bush, and as I spent more time there, I got curious about foraging and excited to know what was around me. I realised that if you’re aware of what you can use around you, you’ve got a whole free pantry at your fingertips, and it would be super satisfying to be able to gather your own free ingredients.  

The problem is, new foragers don’t feel equipped to freely forage, as they’re restricted by their lack of knowledge of what’s growing in their area, whether they need permission to pick things, if there are chemical sprays around, and what’s actually even edible. This is just overwhelming for anyone that doesn’t have any knowledge of plants, so it’s easier to not do it.
To give new foragers the confidence to get out there, I created Rummage! A personalised foraging app that knows where you are, what season you’re in, and shows you how to identify plants you find growing all around you. Rummage will guide you to where it’s safe to forage, tell you which plants to eat, how to use them in recipes and medicine, and connect you with other foragers.