The shapes in this composition were inspired by my favorite places. Some are taken from photos in London, others of places I have lived or my favorite vacation spots. I wanted throughout all of these shape compositions to represent me in an abstract way. Whether that be from places I have been to, lived in, or dream of going to, I wanted who I am to shine through my photos in only a way one would know if they knew me.
For this composition I wanted to demonstrate accent by changing the color of the "man figure" in the work. I decided to emphasize this shape because I thought that it looked so unique and different than the other ones. Without changing the color it would look emphasized on its own due to look different, but changing the color allows it to be made clear that it is emphasized. I used the primary colors because I wanted it to resemble adultolescence since the content is basic shapes. I wanted to have yellow be the accent color because yellow is my favorite color and I think that it an accent color as a whole, so using it here showed just that.
These are process photos of the creation of the shapes and deciding where they are all gong to be placed and aligned with one another to make it look cohesive. 
Yellow Accent

Yellow Accent
