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Mobile App Development

Critical App Development Mistakes that Could Ruin Your App

The marketing and development strategy ensure the success of a mobile app. The developer with programming and technical abilities can make mobile applications after gaining adequate knowledge of the application development. It is good to consider the pitfalls involved in mobile app development. If not consider these pitfalls then developer may have to pay high prices for their mistakes with their app eventually failing on the app stores.

Get View On Seven Mistakes, Which Every Mobile App Developer Should Avoid In Achieving Success.

Including Too Many Features

Developers might think that developing a mobile application with widespread features would be an instant hit. However, including of too many features at the first launch is not the right approach; user finds the problems to comprehend the app and may not be able to know what is useful for them and what not is and finally it may lead to loose of user’s interest. Therefore always go for mobile application that should be simple, user-friendly and most importantly purposeful. End users look for apps that are easily understandable and simple to use. An application loses its purpose if it has too many features stuffed into it.

Always consider the purpose of application will definitely serve and then include only those features that are important and purposeful for end users, to avoid complications. Addition of more feature possible at later stage in the future releases.

Developing on multiple platforms in the first go

It is not possible for the developer to build applications for multiple mobile platforms, all at once. Always start with focus on one mobile platform and then move to the others. In case of any future changes, the developers will have to implement them on all the platforms, resulting in more time and high costs.
Thus, it is essential to formulate a well-thought strategy for the launch, on one platform first and then releasing it on the other platforms.

Focusing everywhere other than on the user experience

A developer should create mobile applications by keeping intent of users in mind. It is always good to focus on user experience aspect, as the end-users should find the app simple, easy to use and attractive. The UI of an app should be intuitive and easy to learn for user sense. There is great role of impressiveness of an application among users behind the success of mobile application.

Not keeping room for flexibility

A mobile application developer should always develop an app, which is flexible enough to include upgrades. Upgrading is a continuous process; an app should work in newer upgraded versions as well. It is important for a developer to ensure that the application works efficiently and flawlessly even after upgrading mobile operating system several times.
Developing mobile apps that are not flexible will result in their failure, as they will become unusable after a certain period.

Improper Monetization Planning

Planning about monetizing your application is a difficult task. Many developers fail to plan on the monetization aspect thinking they will earn easily through ads or users will pay for their apps. Developers can have two versions of an app, a free version and premium version consisting of additional features or even keep in-app purchases option. If ads placed on regularly visited apps then there is possibility to earn revenues.
Whatever option developers have to choose, it should provide to their requirements. Developer should plan this aspect in the early stage to avoid future losses.

Not Understanding The Importance Of Marketing

The success of mobile application is not only depend on uploading of mobile application at the store. Marketing of mobile application is equally important, as the audience should come to know about its launch. Developers should not wait to market the app after its launch in the store. In the initial stage there is great importance of visibility, for which they should market their application well in advance.
Due to the lack of well-planned marketing strategy, a mobile app will get completely lost in this competitive market, resulting in its failure.

Not Using Analytics Services

It is only tracking tools and analytics which help developers to measure the success of development of mobile application. The use of any analytics services that best fits their requirements and use the retrieved data for improvement in the upcoming releases. By making use of analytics tools, an app developer can come to know about guests viewing, number of active users & downloads, purchasing habits of users and much more.

Therefore, it is important to have analytics from the very start.

By avoiding all these mistakes will much likely help mobile application developers to succeed in app stores; keeping the users engaged helpful to improve the return on investment. It has no doubt the idea of the application may be innovative, but there is equally importance to execute idea. The doing of efforts in the right direction will definitely help the mobile app developers in the development of applications that users love and achieve desired results.
Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development


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