Chenyi Wang's profile

Learning Management System for Education Company | LMS

Learning Management System for an Educational Company​​​​​​​ 

Project Overview

This educational company is based in the UK and China. Their main business are winter / summer academic programmes with over a thousand students age between 18-24 coming over from Asia to the UK every year. In order to manage students and deliver smooth programmes, the company are seeking for an efficient and user-friendly learning management platform for their students while their stay in the UK.

My Role

UIUX Designer
In this project, I work as a UIUX designer to develop and design a customised learning management app. I was responsible for determining the overall design direction of the project, while collaborating with the operation team of the company and their students on ideation.

Early Insight & Problems

The company has been looking for an efficient communication and management tool for their staffs and students. In the past, their operation team have tried to use Facebook group and WeChat app. They usually create many chat rooms for each student group in order to stay in touch with them and constantly send files and photos to keep them up to date during the programme. 

Problems of using free social media tool:​​​​​​​
 -  If using FB group : Most of their Chinese students are used to use Wechat instead of Facebook. 
     It takes time to get familiar with these new interfaces and registration.
 -  If using WeChat : WeChat has strict register regulations and required complex identity verification. 
     It has been a big problem when the staffs in the UK try to create an account.
 -  Important message or announcement would be missing if there are too many messages in the chat room.
 -  Users might missed messages.
 -  Users are difficult to locate previous sent files/ photos 

Research & Strategy 

User Group & Psychographics

Students   (age 18-22) 
College students
Nationality: Japan, South Korean and mostly from China.
Most of them are from a middle-class family and above
Personality & Attitudes: humble, shy, indifferent, submissive, passive, intelligent, focus, diligent

Office Staffs   (age 25-40)
Management and operation team in the UK and China
Nationality: UK and mostly from East Asian countries
Personality & Attitudes: Intensity, energetic, effective, hard-working,  fast-paced, team work

Group leaders & academic supervisors   (age 22-30)
Master and Phd students in the UK, age 22-30 
Nationality: UK and mostly from European countries
They are part-time staff and have to be accompanying with students everyday during the programmes
Personality & Attitudes: Youthful, Efficiency, Intensity, simplicity, open-minded, independent

Client & User Needs

Client Needs - the company 
Set up an account for each student/staffs
See students profile page
Monitor group chat room for each group
Easily make update to the app
A platform where they can upload reading material/files/videos and photos for students to download 
A bulletin and schedule board where staffs can post the latest announcement for students
A forum where students can post questions
Appointment Systems for students to book supervision with their academic supervisors 
Collect students data and increase future enrolments of programmes

User Needs - students
To view the latest programme schedule
To view the course details and the lecture venues
Download reading materials before the next lecture
A platform where to have discussions with other students
To share photos to the group
Arrange a meeting with the academic supervisor.
Check contact list

Why App?

 Mobile app is a better option for keeping touch with students any time and any anywhere during the programme.
 It is easy to treat students with a personalised educational experience. 
 It is important for group leader to send notifications to update the programme news. 
 App can track and observe students engagement and use it to offer better updates to the students.

User flow & Content map


Paper Prototype & User Testing

Real decisions, real time, real user

I try to simulate an interactive experience with a real user before start the wireframe on the laptop.
1.   Develop a low fidelity paper prototype 
2.  Test it on a user : I broke each step in to different papers and give users small part of the information once at time. Therefore, I can change or add things very quickly and respond to user in real time.

Home Icon by NIXX Design      Chat Icon by Unicons Font      Human Icon by Jemis Mali
User Icon by Shashank Singh      Group Icon by Ghani Pradita      Illustration by unDraw Katerina Limpitsouni

Thank you for watching!

Chenyi Wang

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Learning Management System for Education Company | LMS


Learning Management System for Education Company | LMS

