During this project, I learned the ins and outs of how to screen print. The requirements for this project were properly screen printing a poster for a movie, band, or event. It was a long and tiresome process. Currently, the poster is still not completed but it is being worked on.
The first steps of this project, as usual, is to record at least 10 ideas. Here are a few rough sketches...


Then, I moved over to the iPad to utilize Adobe Fresco to further develop The Lion King gig poster. I unfortunately don't have the time-lapse because I was switching between iPads during this project, but here are some of the final layers of the digital piece.
The images above are the transparencies used to create screens and print. Each black shape is its own color. The colored photo is how I want the gig poster to turn out.

Gig Poster

Gig Poster
