This Piece is Entitled, Inner Conflict and was a collaborative Effort Between four other Students and Myself.

It was a representation of how our Stress and Insecurity Warp our sense of Reality, the Paper cut outs are like the Paper tigers that is our Stress and Insecurity and our worries. They seem so frightening and Big but they cannot hurt us if we refuse to let them. We are the only ones who Fret and Worry about insignificant things and make them out to be bigger and closer than they are. We create our own Paper Monster. But we don't have to believe those Monsters.

Here Are some Pictures of the installation itself, we received a pretty positive reaction from everyone, one participant even cried. We confronted people with their biggest fears, Disappointing their family (A worry many Design and Art students have, due to their professions often not being recognized as 'real jobs' by their families), Not keeping up with everyone, All their work being for naught, Them not standing out and not having any individual value. Before At the end of the experience, we would tell them "You're the only one who thinks that, You don't have to Believe them."

My task was to create all the Assets for the Animation, which would then be assembled and Animated in After effects by my Teammates. Every one of the Paper cutouts and Backgrounds have been Done by me.

This Animation was Played within the Willem De Kooning Academie, in a Chamber Built By two of our Teammates who were studying Spatial Design. The Floor inside the Chamber was tilted to enhance the disorientating nature of seeing this Animation projected onto the Wall directly in front of you, with a pair of Bluetooth headphones providing the Sound.

The Sound Recordings were also a collaborative Effort between my Teammates. The Voice was provided My Mark Schutte and the Editing of every Voice line into its' Demonic tone was done by Thomas Marquart, the assembly and engineering of the sounds was done by me.

The script for the Voice Lines was written by me and edited slightly by Mark Schutte and Thomas Marquart who also contributed several ideas to the Story board I had made.

The format may be strange, but it was perfect for the small Room that was created by our Spatial Student Teammates, fitting perfectly into the Claustrophobic space and letting the Animation truly shine from close up.
Inner Conflict


Inner Conflict
