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Week #4 - Persuasive Poster

This task involved creating a persuasive poster on something that I believe in. I selected safety of people around and yourself against COVID because I couldn't think of anything and this was the biggest issue right now. My target audience was 20 -25 year olds so I knew I had to bring some pop culture references into the posters to grab their attention and hopefully interest them.

The first poster is based of the lyrics for a famous YouTubers song Houdini by KSI. I thought I can incorporate a section of the lyrics and change it to the my theme. I replaced it with words like mask, sanitizer and staying home, which may seem a bit cringy to the target audience but that should grab their attention. The lyrics don't have to be from just this song, if it were actually made then the poster can use other lyrics form various popular songs.

The second poster is based of the famous Matrix scene where Morpheus offers Neo a choice of two pills, the red pill and the blue pill. I used that concept where there are two choices present and both are for the benefit of the user. This reference is quite famous and people from that era should definitely know it.

The third poster concept is based of the famous Uncle Sam posters that are well known e specially in America. I had three figures, the onein the middle pointing at the viewer with his mask off and the other two concerned and angry at him for that with the words "Are U Next?" which could be taken in all sorts of ways.
Black & White Poster

I made up a simplified version of the chosen poster and had some trouble using Illustrator as poster making and using Illustrator isn't my strong suite. I kept the black and white version simple and not too bold. Kept the speech bubble white so it is the brightest part of the poster and the viewers eyes go directly to that at first glance.
Final Poster

►Mechanical Pencil
►Illustrator CC
►QR code Generator

This is the final poster I made based of the initial concept poster, following the theme of COVID safety. I used the original scan to draw on top of with Illustrator and added in as much color as I could since I was having trouble with using Illustrator since I am new to it. I then exported the file and opened it up on SketchBook to complete and added in the shadows of the poster to make it look more visually pleasing. I then used an online QR code generator to create a QR code for the Queensland COVID safe website which actually works and anyone with a QR scanner can open it up. I thought this would be the most effective was since people are too busy to type up and address when they can just open their cameras and instantly get the website. I also changed the lyrics bu replacing the word "she's" with "you're" so it applies to everyone.

Week #4 - Persuasive Poster


Week #4 - Persuasive Poster
