I created An Alphabet Book and Detroit Michigan Man as experimentations on typography and design. I used the scanner on an iPhone to scan letters cut out of magazines, and to document compositions created with found objects that can be found within these books. The Outsiders cover is an additional sample of book cover design, using illustration to bring the book to life. 
An Alphabet Book: Cover

An Alphabet Book is a spin on a children's alphabet book, as it presents dark or complex concepts not used in kid's books. I used a simple black and white cover to balance the chaos of the collage and experimental typography that can be found on the interior spreads. 
An Alphabet Book: Spread
An Alphabet Book: Spread
An Alphabet Book: Spread
Detroit Michigan Man: Cover

Detroit Michigan Man utilizes the iPhone scanner to document collages of found objects to imitate manhole covers found in Detroit, MI. I used the black and white settings to create these abstracted compositions. 
Detroit Michigan Man: Spread
Detroit Michigan Man: Spread
Detroit Michigan Man: Back Cover
The Outsiders: Book Cover Design

This cover is meant to imitate a pack of Marlboro cigarettes, as the characters in the book were known to smoke and it ends up being a symbol in the novel. 