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Alcatraz escape

Work in progress photos
The June 1962 Alcatraz escape was a prison break from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, a maximum-security facility located on an island in San Francisco Bay, undertaken by inmates Frank Morris and brothers John and Clarence Anglin. The three men were able to escape from their cells and leave the island in a makeshift raft. The escape was marked by elaborate planning and execution, including crafting dummy heads to fool the guards, and the manufacture of improvised tools and a raft.

In 1979, the FBI officially closed its investigation, concluding that the men drowned in San Francisco Bay, while trying to reach land.

But in 2013 the San Francisco police recieved a letter of a man claiming to be one of the escapees. He said that all three of the prisoners survived the attempt, but that he was the only one still living.

-Materials: 2/4/6/9B
-Size: 14x21cm
-Date: 2-5-2020
-Time: 7Hours

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Alcatraz escape


Alcatraz escape

Black and white / Portraits
