Thomas O'Sullivan's profile

Entry 9 : User Testing Iterations

//User Testing Iterations

I conducted user testing a few weeks ago (Entry 6) but I've been a bit slack documenting lately. 🥺 

The usability issues found in the app are:
1. When a user has turned the alarm off, and they are prompted to lock their phone, there is no feedback to let the user know that the session or timer has even started. The screen just say "Lock your phone!"

Solution: Add a timer to the lock screen so the user can see that the session has started. 

2. While a person is abstaining from phone use, they have no way of knowing how long they have been abstaining for (unless they look at a clock, obviously). 

Solution: Add a timer to the lock screen. The user will be able to unlock their phone during a session to check the timer, but they will not be able to leave the app without ending their session. 
Entry 9 : User Testing Iterations

Entry 9 : User Testing Iterations
