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Insular Art - Sonnet 43

Sonnet 43 had one of their award winning brews selcted to be the official Ale of the Lindisfarne Gospels Durham 2013. Sonnet 43 approached Surrealy Creative to create a label design that encompased elements of their previous "How do I love thee? Let me count the beers." range and the graphic from the Lindisfarne Gospels logo.
Looking at the iluminated Gospels themselves, we wanted to add the vibrance of colour that was most likely evidend when the gospels were first made.
We took the illustative elements from the "How do I love thee? Let me count the beers" range added them to the graphic from Lindisfarne's branding, that we had edited to fit the shape of the label.
The typeography was cheosen to represent not only the gothic style of the Lindesfarne Gospels but also reflect the era of which the brew itself, Mead Ales, originates. 
Insular Art - Sonnet 43

Project Made For

Insular Art - Sonnet 43

A new label design for Sonnet 43 for their award winning Mead Ale, selected by the Lindisfarne Gospels to be their official Beer of 2013.
