Tower on Cliff

This image was made 24 hours after "Mood".  I realized the only way to get out of a funk was to put myself in a mental place that would help.  So I drew this image quickly, pouring all my hopes and dreams and strength into it, hoping it would convey "I am a strong tower, a beacon atop the rocks.  And you can throw storms and anger and all the slings and arrows you want but I am resilient and steadfast.  Bring. It. On."

And it has worked thus far.  That and a lot of really supportive, positive artists at SVSLearn who have created a safe place where everyone is supportive and honest and helpful.  That forum is my rock, honestly.  There's good people in that art community, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

This piece is nothing, really--it's just a quick sketch honestly.  But it was an opportunity to create something pretty.  And do it quickly.  And it helped me work through some things and begin to stand up for my own beliefs and feelings in the face of so much negativity and cancel culture that flew around last week in the art communities on social media.  This piece helped me say to myself, "Self, you have work to do, so get to it."

And I am.

Tower on Cliff


Tower on Cliff


Creative Fields