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Work From Home in Pandemic | Corona Outbreak

Worklife on Corona Outbreak: How to Work From Home During Pandemic
The whole world is suffering during this pandemic. During the last few months, it was hard to survive, our daily lives disrupted and the economy is in shambles, all because everyone was forced to stay home for their safety. Stable businesses and jobs are starting to crumble, and most people have been working from the comforts of their own homes.

Thankfully, the majority seems to be adjusting well to the new working-from-home arrangement. Before all this, though, people used to ask a myriad of questions: How can we manage this arrangement? How will we manage our family during work hours? Will working under the same roof as my children allow me to work correctly? Turns out, working from home is the best option for a healthy work-life balance, which gives us an equal amount of time to focus on both our tasks and our families. This pandemic also taught us to multi-task and manage our time wisely.

These days, working remotely has been a well-established practice in some corporate settings. Thanks to various digital platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, we can effectively grow our businesses no matter where we’re working from home.

You can design your home place into a workplace- woohoo!!

Yup! You heard it right! Our comfortable spaces at home can also be converted into a workspace! This set-up effectively gives you comfort while engaging with clients and completing tasks. It also puts you in a spot where you can conveniently converse with your kids, complete a chore or cook for your family. It can be quite challenging for some, especially to those who aren’t used to working from home, but it also provides excitement, without a doubt.

Personally speaking, I’ve opted to work in my living room. Sitting on the couch near my charging point reminds me of my desktop set-up back at the office, and it helps me get my work done productively and with minimal headaches!
Managing Professional Boundaries and household responsibilities together:

We have to be available for regular conference calls or meetings with our coordinators or managers. It is also important to log into work and update our tasks regularly.

Working from home is a privilege that requires your virtual presence, so you need to always be available to your coworkers, take the initiative, and update your tasks accordingly.

Keeping connected with your colleagues with small talk is natural. Learn to let loose and try taking breaks at the same time. Grab coffee or tea and start a voice call to catch up with each other before hopping back to your work.

Having all your family members at home with you can be challenging, especially for a woman, due to children, elders, and spouses needing constant attention. Explain and convince them that you can’t be available for every moment during your work hours.

Collaborate with your managers concerning your house duties, so they too can arrange much-needed adjustments.

Work From Home in Pandemic | Corona Outbreak

Work From Home in Pandemic | Corona Outbreak
