1   The fear of developing a Phobia; 
  An exhibition related to phobias. 
Phobophobia is an installation project designed to introduce different phobias to the public.
Through personification and reification, different phobias are transformed into monsters to manifest how the affected ones may feel when they see the phobias.
The installation itself is made similar to a shelf in a laboratory, acting like the how the visitors are examining and learning the phobias.
The project aims to raise public awareness on the diversity of “specific phobias”; and to allow the public to understand the seriousness of “specific phobias”, in which phobia is on a different level with the feeling of fear.
From left to right, up to down:
Ornithophobia - Fear of birds; Ichthyophobia - fear of fish; Ophidiophobia - fear of snake;  Arachnophobia - fear of spider; Melissophobia - fear of bees;
Hemophobia - fear of blood, Trypanophobia - fear of needles or injection, Pharmacophobia - fear of medicines;
Autophobia - fear of being alone; Hodophobia - fear of travelGephyrophobia - fear of bridges; Hodophobia - fear of travel;
Claustrophobia - fear of enclosed space; Enetophobia- Fear of pins; Pigmentumphobia - fear of paint;
Botanophobia - fear of plants; Mycophobia - fear of mushrooms; Dendrophobia - fear of trees; 
Hydrophobia - fear of water; Ophthalmophobia - fear of being seen or stared by others; Crystallophobia - fear of crystals;
Koumpounophobia - fear of button; Papyrophobia - fear of paper; Graphophobia - fear of handwriting;
Textophobia - fear of certain fabrics; Linonophobia - fear of string; and Chronomentrophobia - fear of clocks/passing of time.

"The only thing we have to fear is FEAR itself. "
- First inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt


