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DL1 - Project 2: Illustrator Techniques

ADVE2291 - Digital Design Lab 1: Project 2 Illustrator Techniques
For this project we were to re-create the Coca-Cola script and create a Coca-Cola themed pattern using Adobe Illustrator. The purpose of this project is to become familiar with Illustrator tools and gain experience within the software. Most of the tools and techniques I used during this project, I was mostly familiar with, but in the end it was a good refreshment for future projects. The tools used during this project were the move tool, pen tool, shape builder, gradient tool, and type on a path. With this project I learned some beneficial techniques to using the pen tool. The "box method" was something I never heard of before this class. Being able to see where to put anchor points from the start, is very helpful. I personally enjoyed this project a lot and had tons of fun making my patterns. My final project consist of the Coca-Cola script and my two Coca-Cola themed patterns, consisting of three different elements. 
Illustrator Techniques - Coca Cola Script​​​​​
Preparing my illustrator document by placing the tracing image and setting up my swatches panel. 
Box method. Using the squares as guides to know where my anchor points will fall. This helps me use as few anchor points as possible when using the pen tool. Without this method my anchor points may not fall where they need to be or I put too many.
Showcasing my anchor points used to create the "C" in Coca. Used the pen tool (while holding shift) in order to constrain a line to a straight or 45 degree angle. 
The Coca-Cola script before using the shape builder. (not smooth/unprofessional)
The Coca Cola script after using the shape builder tool. (giving my work a professional, smooth, and clean look)
Using the type on a path tool to create the "trade mark registered" text on the tail of the "C" in Coca.
Showcasing my use of layers and the organization of my document. This allows me to have multiple versions for clients with just a click of a button. 
Showcasing my use of the gradient tool.
Final Script Type 
Pattern Elements and Theme. 
My whole life I have always had a love for shoes. Nike, thoughout its years, has paired up with many athletes and companies to create wonderful shoe design's. I thought it would be very interesting if they joined together with Coca-Cola and created a shoe, not only showcasing the love for coke, but also the love for shoes too. I created this pattern with the intent of using this during the Nike + Coca-Cola campaign in showcasing the new Coca-Cola shoes. 
Visual Exploration
When exploring ideas for my pattern, I was drawn to the color palette of the Vanilla Coke can. Vanilla Coke is my favorite flavor and what not a better way to make the color scheme of my pattern reflect off of something I love about Coca-Cola. 

While researching Coca-Cola, I found a love for the typeface used, especially in the tail of the "C". I knew this was an element that I wanted to showcase in my pattern.
I was also drawn to the ads where Coca-Cola used hidden objects (the bottle that creates Elvis' sideburns) to create other imagery. I was influenced to try and do the same with the elements in my Coca-Cola pattern.  
For my pattern elements I focused on how I could hide elements of the Coca-Cola "C" in my pattern elements. 

When designing the shoe, I thought it would be interesting to replace the Nike swoosh with the tail of the "C" in Coca-Cola.

The heart resembles the overall love for Coca-Cola and shoes. I thought it would be fun to create a heart out of a shoelace. 

Lastly I took my favorite things about Coca-Cola, the vanilla drip and the Script "C" to fit the over all feel and color scheme of my pattern. I used the tail of the "C" in place of the glare on the bubble and added drips to the Script "C".

For my pattern one I decided to do a standard repeating pattern of my three elements, consisting of the shoe, heart, drip and bubbles.

For my second pattern I decided to have some fun with it and making it more interesting. I wanted to make a pattern that could be printed on shirts for the Nike + Coca-Cola campaign. I decided to take the outline of the shoe and fill it with a standard repeating pattern consisting of the heart, drip and bubbles. 
Progress on Pattern Elements 
When designing my elements in illustrator I started out with a simple silhouette for my objects and soon came to realize they were too boring. These are my variations that lead me to my final elements. 

I went with a Vanilla Coca-Cola color scheme and played around with color variations and textures to bring life to my objects. 

The shoe and drippy "C" were created using the pen tool. I decided my third element in my sketches was too busy so I focused on the drippy "C" instead.  

For the shoelace heart, I created my own pattern brush to get a shoelace texture. I then used the pen tool to create a heart, which I applied the pattern brush to.  
I had a lot of fun creating the shoelace texture for the heart. 

I started out by creating a zig-zag line. I then took my line and blended it (Specified Steps-12) to create the overlapping zigzag lines. After I expanded it and created outline strokes I  then used the (path finder tool) to unite the objects.

Once united, I used the (direct selection tool) to select a few points off the end and hit (command x) to cut and once again to invert my shapes to the inside of my lines. 

After, I used the lasso tool to select a section of the shapes and then changed them to create the pattern I wanted. Using the (direct selection tool and command x) I cut the shapes and re-joined the anchor points using (command J).

Once I had my shoelace texture, I took a section of it to create two ends for the shoelace using the (free distort tool) and adding some rectangles as the aiglet. I then took the objects I created and made a pattern brush which I applied to a heart shaped line. 
Final Pattern Elements
Throughout my project I made multiple changes to the colors and textures of my designs. I stuck with the original shoe and added some detail to match my other objects. I made a few different variations with the shoelaces textures and really love the end result. Lastly my original 3rd element sketch was too busy so I took the drippy "C" out in order for the three elements to work better together. 
Progress on Patterns 
Using my 3 elements, I made two standard repeating patterns. My first pattern I used all 3 of my elements on a black background to allow the vanilla and red colors to pop.

For my second pattern I wanted to create something that could be displayed on a t-shirt. Inside the outline of my shoe element, I placed a standard repeating pattern of the shoelace heart and the drippy "C". 
Final Patterns 
Final Presentation Board 
DL1 - Project 2: Illustrator Techniques

DL1 - Project 2: Illustrator Techniques
