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Quality of transcription services

transcription puppy - Quality of transcription services

Accents and local colloquialisms present challenges. Meaning can be missed and less accurate results delivered. This is particularly important when relying on the industry standard of ‘intelligent verbatim’ and even more important if you get a ‘summary’ transcription.

The use of double negatives, technically incorrect conjugations and slang are all regionally relevant. Industry jargon is professionally relative. It is important that the person transcribing your audio understands the meaning in order to make an accurate transcription puppy . Look for transcription services that offer transcriptionists in your area and those that offer transcriptionists with relevant professional experience.

Security and accountability when using transcription services

By engaging with a transcription service (rather than transcribing the material yourself), you lose a degree of control. It might be wise to get your transcription partner to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) — most are willing to do so. However, you need to think about their ability to enforce that agreement and your ability to pursue violations.
If your files are sent abroad, it becomes more difficult to prosecute any breaches in security — a reality that increases the likelihood that such breaches might occur. Fundamentally, your transcription service partner will have degraded their ability to guarantee compliance by offshoring their labour.

If you are concerned about the security of your data, it is important to think about who is transcribing it. This is especially true if you opt for a less reliable or cheaper transcription service that uses speech-to-text software. You need to ask, 'is ASTry to keep data in regions with high ethical business standards and robust legal systems. You will often find it easier to prosecute violations in your home country.

transcription services

It is important to pay fair wages. If you work with a company that keeps transcriptions local, you know that you are not engaging in exploitation. Although companies that employ offshore labour charge less, they also often keep a more significant percentage of that fee. Think about the types of working practices you are supporting.

If you pay people a fair wage, they will do a better job. If you want someone creating your transcripts who feels valued and is interested in their job, you are going to have to find a company that keeps its employees in-country. You are also probably going to have to pay a premium. transcription puppy advantage is that you will get a better product that someone spent more time and effort creating.

Factors impacting the cost of transcription services

Starting prices vary based on the type of transcription you want. Strict verbatim transcripts cost more, summaries cost less. Intelligent verbatim is seen as the industry standard. In most cases, transcription services will level fees for poor audio quality, multiple speakers, timestamps and accelerated turnaround times. These kinds of hidden fees in transcription services are what you need to look out for when selecting a service.
Quality of transcription services

Quality of transcription services


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