Observation Post, Admiralty Inlet
Gun Emplacement 1
Admiralty Inlet to Puget Sound
Gun Emplacement 2
Entrance to subterranean structures
Stairway 1
Stairway 2
Doors to Munitions Storage
Exterior Stairways
Exterior Detail
Forward Observation Post
Around the turn of the 20th century, Forts were constructed along the west coast of the US to defend against possible attack by sea. Fort Flagler was one of three artillery installations built to defend Puget Sound. The other two are Fort Casey on Whidbey Island and Fort Worden in Port Townsend. It was staffed from around 1900 through the Korean War. It is now part of a Washington State historic park. Images made with a Canon 
AE1 camera, 50mm f1.2 lens on Ilford Delta 400 film, scanned and processed in Adobe Lightroom.  
Fort Flagler

Fort Flagler
