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Artwork for EP (Su)Realistic Optimism by Okta

(Su)Realistic Optimism by Okta

Artwork for EP (Su)Realistic Optimism by Okta| Digital Illustration/AR | 2020
This project was developed to promote the release of the debut EP (su)Realistic Optimism, a half-album in digital format, by Okta, the psy-trance music project of Daniel Martins, resident artist of Reversible Records label.

The concept of (su)Realistic Optimism emerges from the unpredictability of our minds, where our imagination is born. 

The mind has the power to create solutions for our problems and challenges, yet, we do not fully control the variables, creating a surprise element in our ideas/ creations/imagination. 

Visually, the concept was decoded in the form of a character inspired in a Thailand Demon, the Demon of Creativity, that feeds himself from all the thoughts and ideias that come from all of us, conscious and subconsciously.  It matches the concept of the artist and also resonates with the oriental notes present in some of his tracks. 
Cover Artwork

Process from draft to final result

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Artwork for EP (Su)Realistic Optimism by Okta

Artwork for EP (Su)Realistic Optimism by Okta
