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The Printing Mishap Comic Strip - Week 3

Week 3 Project

Comic Strip (whole)
The skill of a storytelling incorporated into the comic strip, where features like the plot, character and setting were discussed to help with the audiences perceptions of the events. I think I did a good job of creating a plot according to what we learnt, with clear things going wrong and right (boys being silly in class and also getting assignment done), tension (clicking print), climax (realising what they have done) and resolution (Their teacher yelling, and saying sorry). The setting is clearly a school and the characters are set up to be fun but somewhat immature, young boys.  I found this quite challenging because I have not had much experience developing characters in a visual form.  
Comic Image 1
This first image is slightly looking down at the boys, making them look small in order to look like they are from school rather than a work situation. I used a variety of ink pen shading techniques, including hatching for the tables, contour hatching for the heads, cross hatching for the t-shirt and scribbling for the messy hair of the boy on the left. I attempted all these sketching techniques in order to experiment and improve my drawing skills. 
Comic Image 2
The second image in the comic is very similar to the first, but with less features, showing the slimmer boy finishing his assignment. It has the same angle of viewing as the previous for the same reason. It also uses a combination of ink pen shading techniques, but also uses stippling for the back and sides of the persons hair. To improve on these pictures, I could have been more dramatic with the shadings so that the picture appears more 3 dimensional.  
Comic Image 3
This part of the comic strip shows a screen-shot view of the kids comic, showing the assigment with 10000 copies being printed. Because of this view, there was no need to incorporate the shading techniques shown in class.   
Comic Image 4
This slide shows the kids suddenly realizing what they had just done. The picture is zoomed in, at eye level, showing the boys facing each other and incorporates a dramatic text box. This makes the picture look personal and urgent. I used scribbling, stippling, hatching and contour hatching. 
Comic Image 5
The final picture shows the boys getting in trouble by their teacher for printing so many copies of their assignment. The teacher's speech bubble is large and dramatic to capture here anger. The angle the scene is portraying shows the boys being looks down at and zoomed out, making them look small compared to the teacher. I used hatching for the printer and paper, cross hatching for the table, contour hatching for the majority of the people, and scribbling for some hair.  
The Printing Mishap Comic Strip - Week 3

The Printing Mishap Comic Strip - Week 3


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