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What Are The Best Exercises for Building Strength?

What Are The Best Body Weight Exercises for Building Strength?

Bodyweight exercises are extremely important because they serve as the foundation for other skills and workouts. They build strength by utilizing your body weight and targeting your core muscles. Bodyweight exercises are designed to challenge the body and improve important aspects such as mobility, flexibility, and stability, all of which have a part to play in our everyday lives

The great thing about these exercises is that they don’t require any equipment for support. This means that you can do them anywhere. No excuses! And like most workouts, you can modify the exercises and also increase the intensity as you get better. 

The following are the 6 Best Body Weight Exercises For Strength.

If you’re new to bodyweight training, this is definitely the best starting point. This classic exercise shows what bodyweight resistance training is all about. Pushups work the muscles in the chest and shoulders and, as a result, end up building some serious upper-body strength. There are many variations of this golden exercise which will be relatively easy for you once you’ve gotten the hang of the standard pushup. 

Assuming a low plank position, push your body upwards while keeping your head steady. Ensure that your hands are still aligned with your shoulders before lowering your body. Do as many reps as you can in one minute before you rest, then go again.  

Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are another amazing bodyweight exercise that targets your core and shoulder muscles and also challenges your body’s stability and balance. Doing a few reps of this a day will really develop your abs. 

As the name implies, the exercise mimics actual mountain climbing movements, except it’s done on the floor. Like pushups, start in a plank position and ensure your hips are in line with your shoulders and toes. While maintaining your form, move one knee towards your chest then push it back as you move the other knee forward. Pick up the pace until it feels like you’re jogging on the floor.

Pull-ups or chin-ups work wonders for your upper body (arms and abs). They are especially good for your biceps and the muscles in your back. When done properly, this resistance training improves your overall body strength and grip strength. 

To perform this, you need a high bar. Most gyms have those, but if you’re working out at home you can use any solid beam. Grip the beam with both hands shoulder-width apart, then try to haul yourself up the ground so that your chin (or at least face) is at the same level as the bar. 

Split Squats
This is a powerful lower-body strength-building exercise. It targets the glutes, hamstring muscles and quads. It also doubles as a great cardio workout. Split squats help build strength in a unilateral stance. This makes them perfect for athletes participating in sports that involve jumping and sprinting.  

To start, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart then take a step forward as if you’re doing a lunge. With your front leg planted flat on the floor, raise the heel of your back foot and lower your leg until your knee is almost brushing the floor and only your toes are touching the floor. Hold this position for a bit then push back up and do the same for the other leg.

Dips are your greatest ally in building your triceps. They also work on the chest and shoulders to improve your overall upper-body strength. Although they look easy enough, they aren't meant for the faint-hearted. 

To perform this exercise, you'll need a bench or a chair. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart on whatever surface you choose to work with, then engage your core and slowly lower your body until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Hold this for 2 counts then push yourself back up while still squeezing your core and glutes. 

Glute Bridge
While the Glute Bridge primarily develops your glutes and hamstrings, it also enhances core stability, strengthens your lower back, and improves hip mobility. 

Get comfortable by lying on your back, with your knees bent and your feet resting on the ground. Keep your arms beside you with your palms facing down. Now, slowly lift your hips off the ground while squeezing your glutes and engaging your core. Ensure that the pressure is on your hips and not your heels. Do not raise your hips too high as that can put some strain on your lower back. After holding this position for a couple of seconds, lower your spine back to the floor. Do as many bridges as you can in one minute. 

Providing that you are dedicated to sticking to a training regimen and you are able to eat the right foods, home training can definitely be just as effective as going to the gym. By using everyday items weights, resistance bands and support, you can really cut costs. Use anything from a gallon of milk to a backpack filled with books as workout weights. If you need a mat, simply lay a few towels on the floor to act as support for floor exercises. However, if you want a more structured, personalised routine, we recommend hiring a home personal trainer. Depending on the individual, home training can be even more effective than working out at the gym, especially with the guidance of a home personal trainer. What’s more, many people fin that working out at the gym can come with a lot of nerves and anxiety that can hinder your progress. For these people, home training is incredibly effective.
What Are The Best Exercises for Building Strength?

What Are The Best Exercises for Building Strength?


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