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First Things First

Create a poster and conference book to promote nine online lectures about 'First Things First - the relationship between typography and consumption' baring in mind the importance of typographic hierarchy. 

I began the brief with producing 3 poster designs. I put great emphasis on the idea of consumerism and the idea of global. My initial thoughts were barcodes, brands and the London Tube map. My final poster consisted of extended line which was a representation of the tube map. Due to the nature of development, I went back and developed the poster having completed the book so they were consistent. However, the final conference book feature a single hairlines along with the quotes which was a feature in the originally produced poster. 

Another element to the project was photography and being able to produce our own images. The aim was to capture the words feel, think, interact, respond and speak in 10 images. I put emphasis on the concept of senses and sensory boxes - not quite being able to recognise what you're interacting with. The idea of senses has influenced parts of the type such as the cut off headings and it still being readable even when the parts (at sight) have been taken away.
First Things First

First Things First

'First Things First' - Nine online lectures unpacking the relationship between typography and consumerism - poster and conference book.
