Steph Doran's profile

Waiting For Something

This is what waiting for your life to start feels like.

Sometimes the end feels as if it's in sight.

And other times it is nowhere to be seen.

These cinemagraphs were created as an initial experiment with technique. Having never created a cinemagraph before, my main focus was to successfully capture and edit a seamless final piece.

As I initially approached this piece as way to practice technique, I did not have a clear concept when I began shooting. However, after working through the first shot, I realised that the series was a reflection of my current physical and mental situation.

I’m currently working on a few different visual projects, all revolving around the forced physical separation from my partner, which has unfortunately arisen due to the global pandemic. The theme of ‘waiting’ and the uncertainty of having no ‘end point’ is an important component to all of my current work. I feel that these cinemagraphs epitomise my current mental state in this regard. There is constant movement- the days cycle by, the mundane routine of each day continues; but there is also the stillness of being stuck. I hope that these three pieces help depict that sense of being stuck, waiting, in limbo.

The main difficulty I encountered when creating these cinemagraphs was capturing the looped video. As I was working with subjects that do not have a clear start and end point when moving, I had to attempt the capture stage a few times before being able to perfect it. For example, even though I used a static fan to blow the leaves in the above clips, the leaves did not always follow the same path of motion, making it difficult to create a looped video.
Waiting For Something

Waiting For Something
