Chantelle Venter's profile

ZipZap Circus School

Launch Campaign
Group Project
Proposed launch campaign for ZipZap circus school’s fund raising initiative that we aptly named “Supporting Act”.

Our marketing direction was that if every person in South Africa donated just R1.00, ZipZap would reach their target and be able to build their school, thus we needed to tell the public about ZipZap and what they are about.

Our concept was “It’s not just an act”, because the children who attend the school learn far more than circus acts.

The campaign look and feel includes a hand-generated typeface resembling building blocks, that represents foundations.Primary colours were used to depict learning and we used a soft textured paper stock throughout to give an honest feel.

Zip Zap is a Cape Town based circus school where children off all ages and social classes can go to for free. They learn life skills through the acts. Read more about this amazing school on
Read about it.
Range of posters that would be put up around Cape Town CBD. The aim of the posters was to explainhow the children of ZipZap lea
rn lifeskills through the circus acts that they perform.
Learn about it.
Flyers that would be handed out in public areas.The flyers are infinity cards. By turning the information into a paper toy, the public can have fun whilelearning about ZipZap, much in the same way the children learn while practising their acts.

A SMS line for donations allows the public to become the Supporting Act

Corporate identity for the Supporting Act.
Experience it.
n order to put the public in the shoes of the ZipZap performers, we decided to use ambient media that would be placed in public areas.
Try it.
As an extra fundraising element, we decided to sell juggling kits, consisting of hacky sacks and a “how to juggle” guide. The aim was to let the buyer go through the same learning curve as the ZipZap performers, allowing a better understanding of what ZipZap is about.
ZipZap Circus School

ZipZap Circus School

Proposed Launch Campaign for Zip Zap Circus School's Fundraising Initiative
