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A Change of Clothes | museum exhibit

A Change of Clothes museum exhibit explores how women's clothing styles from the 1920s to the present have progressed. 

I experimented with various design layouts through sketching ideas on paper. This allowed me to see what would work best and which designs could be applied consistently throughout the different forms.
Creating refined sketches for each of the different designs allowed me to further develop and strengthen my concepts before moving to the digital creation. This solid design foundation aided me significantly, and in the digital phase I was able to modify and improve the basic design idea.
For the design, the unique color palette of subdued greens and blues adds appeal but doesn't overpower the main imagery of the exhibit. The fabric texture incorporated into the logo and the backgrounds of the graphics reinforce the theme of clothing. Utilizing one sans-serif typeface family provided consistency among each element, but also allowed for variety with the different weights. The large-scale figures presented in the exhibit allow the viewer to be instantly engaged with the exhibit.
Main museum exhibit graphic: the clothing style progression walk-through. 
Mockup image from
Second museum graphic: the comparison
Mockup image from
Narrative literature: printed booklet expounding on the exhibit
A Change of Clothes | museum exhibit


A Change of Clothes | museum exhibit

A Change of Clothes is a conceptualized museum exhibit showcasing the progression of ladies' clothing styles from 1920 to today.
