Andrew Balce's profile

NVSD | Celebration of Student Excellence

NVSD | 32nd Annual Superintendent's
Celebration of Student Excellence
Print & Web Design | Adobe Illustrator, Indesign

The Brief
The North Vancouver School District (aka. NVSD/SD44) holds a special annual celebration to commemorate all its honour students and award them each with a certificate of recognition. 

This year (2020), they were unable to hold said event physically, but compensated with a virtual celebration.

The Challenges
​​​​​​​How will I organize 3 info types within a limited, letter-size bifold space, and keep it readable and interesting? A hard deadline of ~1 week later means I would have to stay well on track.

The Solution
Although this project was relatively simple, I recognized the importance of exploring a myriad of layouts. Taking care to stay on-brand while remaining creative, I utilized a '2020' pattern consisting of established fonts and colours, as the year promised to be unforgettable, especially for the students!

​​​​​​I created a program pamphlet (which was mailed to students along with their certificates) channeling both formality and playfulness, along with a corresponding presentation slide version and a selection of Zoom virtual backgrounds.

NVSD | Celebration of Student Excellence

NVSD | Celebration of Student Excellence

An event program of an honor student celebration.
