Julia Osen Averill's profile

Junior Theatre Festival Booth

The Junior Theater Festival (JTF) is the world’s biggest and best celebration of young people performing musical theater. Music Theatre International had to come up with a concept to highlight the new Broadway Junior shows being performed at the festival. 

We created a place for the young performers to interact with the shows in a creative and fun way with as few safety hazards as possible. We landed on the "We are..." branding which carried across all marketing materials used at the event. We hoped this would engage the performers and highlight the fact that without them the Broadway Junior brand and shows would not exist.

The Broadway JR banner is 25'x24' and the floor sticker is 25'x12'. The three show hanging banners are 10'x24' and accompanying floor stickers are 10'x12'.
Junior Theatre Festival Booth

Junior Theatre Festival Booth

Music Theatre International's Broadway Junior booth at the Junior Theatre Festival January 2020.
