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Amnesty International Poster Design

Poster Design
Amnesty International Poster
Design three posters centered around the refugee crisis.
For this project, I tried to gear my message towards Americans who had neutral feelings towards the crisis. I didn’t want to yell at them or be hostile, but to sway their opinion towards becoming more educated about the topic through empathy. I use the word freedom because that word is endearing to Americans, and it is culturally significant. On my poster I tried to put my people in surreal uncomfortable situations to try to visually explain the hardships many refugees face. It is my hope that my target audience can put themselves in the shoes of these people, and want to take action. Amnesty international is an non profit organization that I chose to make these poster for. 
Below is my original mood board, which I feel reflects how strongly I feel about this issue. I also took inspiration for the surreal aspect of my poster from some of these images as well.

 In my original sketches, for the most part the two posters stayed very much the same. It was the third one that drastically changed over time and was the hardest poster to figure out. It was a challenge to figure out how to use the negative space as effectively as the first two posters. In the end I felt that chains got the message through and mimicked the visualations of grabbing arms. 
Amnesty International Poster Design


Amnesty International Poster Design
